Longing, an anchor
Night yawns
kisses good night to sky
Moon gleams it's light on ocean
Ocean quivers with the touch of light
Starts to dance in waves high and low
The lone tree on the shore
Awakened by the dance of waves
At first a flirty ripple
Then a sway and a swing
Arching itself to hug the tree
A naughty wink and a billow
High tide it is dear!
Let's merry to the depths of the ocean
Cavort into nature's devotion
The waves gently ebb
Retreating into the ocean
Receding to the far away seas
Leaving the tiny mussels
Driftwood uncovered
Tiny fishes grappling the low tide
The lone tree bared
Stands longing for the moon
Longing for the light
Yearning the touch of wave
Can longing be an anchor ?
Divine longing is an Anchor
To live the low tide
Living tree yet bare
Waiting to be touched by the grace
kisses good night to sky
Moon gleams it's light on ocean
Ocean quivers with the touch of light
Starts to dance in waves high and low
The lone tree on the shore
Awakened by the dance of waves
At first a flirty ripple
Then a sway and a swing
Arching itself to hug the tree
A naughty wink and a billow
High tide it is dear!
Let's merry to the depths of the ocean
Cavort into nature's devotion
As night stretches to the day
Has it over extended it's stay?
Has it over extended it's stay?
The waves gently ebb
Retreating into the ocean
Receding to the far away seas
Leaving the tiny mussels
Driftwood uncovered
Tiny fishes grappling the low tide
The lone tree bared
Stands longing for the moon
Longing for the light
Yearning the touch of wave
Can longing be an anchor ?
Divine longing is an Anchor
To live the low tide
Living tree yet bare
Waiting to be touched by the grace