
Daffodils invoke lines of wordsworth 
"And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils" 

Who could have said anything better
Late evening drive back home
A detour to flower market
Sight of flowers in all colours
I wish I could I buy them all
My car right now is filled 
With fragrance of Lillies 
Library of scents rolled out 
Wild grassy yellow daisies 
I did pick her up too
An artist dear friend 
Sent a painting of her daffodils 
I said why not a lily or a daisy?
Well, wordsworth richness of words
Perhaps daffodils got their due! 
Springtime flowers 
Wild flowers 
Along the meadows, wetlands
In the midst of a desert
Along the streams, tiny crevices
Old forgotten ruins
I quote myself
"No gardener to mend yet they tend"
Dancing to their tune
Will a poet ever write few lines
Or become artist's muse
Audience they require none
They just bloom stun 
That painting of daffodils on the wall
Is witness of every Wild bloom
Bloom which was felt, soaked
In the privy moments of solitude 
Art and poetry 
soaks and absorbs them all over again
Artist : Vidya Vivek 


Faraway House in Himalayas


Birthing of Poems