The Labyrinth

I wake up, kiss my daughter
Another day, splash cold water on my face
Run till my heart bursts, like I am on a race
What is it, that I chase?
Hundredth time! Back to labyrinth of grief.

I get into shower
Another day, hot water gives some solace
Thoughts turn into tears and into wails
More I try to stand, I flail
Hundredth time! Back to labyrinth of suffering.

I get into car
Another day, soft music gives some peace
Songs turn into memories and into sobs
More I try to stop, I fail
Hundredth time! Back to labyrinth of pain.

I set to work
Another day, black coffee gives some juice
I think, walk, talk, laugh and bustle 
Surrounded by people, I am alone
Hundredth time! Back to labyrinth of loneliness.

I go back and forth
I go up and down 
Is there a way out of this labyrinth??
Does that mean I am lost? 

Divine architect must have an idea!
Will he give me a map or a compass or a key?
Hedge is taller, maze is never ending.
so be it,
Labyrinth is an entire universe!


Divine Womb


Embrace what is!