Embrace what is!

This past year has been the toughest year of my existence, it has been chaotic outside and inside my mind at the same time its been enriching in many many ways. I understood that resilence, courage and taking challenges head on have been my utter strengths! 

I have embraced being a single mother, being a widow, relocating to my home city leaving behind my years of professional practice and so called comfort zone. There have been painful and frustrating days and nights like I was stuck in a labrynith of suffering. One lesson I have learnt very hard way and if universe wanted me to just teach just this lesson through all the pain and suffering I endured, that would be "never be a victim of your destiny" I was very clear I never wanted to be a victim of self pity, self loathing, guilt, helplessness, despair.

 I stood up, I selfishly took all the help I could from my terrific family, tribe of soulful friends, psychiatrist one of the best shrink, looked for every small bit of inspiration in nature, art, books, swept the floors of temples literally anything that could inspire me and give me peace, I did that! 
Yes, I am not the same anymore, I am an enriched version of myself! I know its the beginning of a long Journey, I have no idea where my path is going to take me, but I am ready! I have accepted all that I am fully. 

Here are somethings I am going to tell all the wonderful women out there 
 • Never be a victim, no matter how bad things get stand up and deal.
 • Guilt and worry are the most useless things, you know you are doing your best.
 • Self love is not just a phrase, practice it sincerely with compassion.
 • Laugh ferociously!! Lug to humor.
 • Self care includes mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health! Pledge that!
 • Setting healthy boundaries is a first step to your peace.
 • Do not delegate happiness!!! Delegate mundane stuff that you can😉
 • Stand up for what is right.
 • Remember, you are your child's first inspiration.
 • Divine helps the one who helps themselves ☺️
 • Love! Evolve! Heal! Create!!!!
I have been surrounded by inspiring women who walk the talk, my soul tribe and I am ever grateful for that. 

Happy women's day!!

PS: There have been many inspiring men in my life: my dad, my best half, my mentors, my friends who pushed me to be the best version of myself!!!Kudos to men to fight everything that's right! Let this tribe of men grow!!!! 
My little life partner!!


The Labyrinth


You are not alone