Gratitude Journal Day 1

November has always been a month of Hope, a month of Thanksgiving. November has naked trees ready to dance, wounded leaves fall and heal, the cold winter nights, the chill in the air...And I love November, its strange..may be the fluctuations in temperatures are like me warm and cold and somehow I am filled with gratitude.

Gratitude is acknowledging the good you already have, that's the beginning of the abundance!

When in the worst of situations, when you feel you are stuck and there is no way out, helpless with no plausible solutions, when you feel you have been silenced, paused..In moments of despair.. when you have lost everything, or have no control over anything, remember you are not actually stuck but gently floating in those moments..These terrible times, This Right here;

This Right here..this will change too
Be there! You will suprisingly move past it!

There is that tiny spark of light in you, your bare naked self, that instinct of survival which is there in all of us.. which can turn that little spark into fire and fiery you!

Today my heart is filled with gratitude for that tiny Divine spark..

Recognise your spark, however minute and tiny it is, hug it, hold it tight..
That spark could be your Breath! 
I am utterly grateful for being alive and lead a fulfilling life!
And, Remember, This too shall pass!! 

PS: Cozy cold November night I am grateful for a warm bed and quilt☺️

Gratitude Journal Day 2


Pure whiff of air