Lost in my dark abyss
Tears ready to burst like a volcano
Ringing phone feels like a distant bell
Perhaps, a longing call
Call to come to him
I remember the last time I was here
Happy together thought its for forever
Forever is only him isn't it?
What did I pray that time?
What brought me back here?
The Pink bougenvillas made a canopy
The large stone treshold with carvings
Ancient I felt drawn into the cold stone
I bow down let forehead touch the ground
Tears rolling down
To surrender eternally
Can I? Says my inner voice
I hear a faraway faint voice
What a melodious sweet voice
I know the song, I have always known
A mother playing with her innocent son
Boundless and bountiful vatsalya
But what an innocent Mother
She thought he was just a child
While he was an eternal infinity
My mind went back to years ago
My grandma singing the song
He forever is mystical and magical
Magic...he opened his mouth
And she saw an entire universe
Awestruck what, an entire universe
Innocent Mother's vatsalya, how fortunate
I smiled and heard the faint sweet voice
Closer I walked the voice only grew louder
I stood stunned looking at him
So adorable..buttered all over
Navaneetha soft
Ready to crawl into my arms
Why didn't I strech my arms?
I thought he wiped my tears
I was called here
To feel his Ancient love
To experience his magic
Pure Divinity
Aprameya Ambegal Navaneetha Krishna!!
Jagadodharana Adisidale Yasode was composed by Purandaradasaru here at this temple.