Please forgive me
Three words I longed to hear
May be you said them
I never heard it
It was a long exhausting day
I felt like a ship wreck
You sang those special lines
And it lifted my soul spirits
You flickered my heart strings
Depths of the rhythm I never knew
Special strings only you could play
Music lingered on even when not played
You took me to dreamy places
Promises of distant future
Of highlands and green pastures
Aah everything perfectly beautiful
I let the strings play the right chord
I moved from my chords to yours
I incessantly flowed into your doors
I merged into you..Union or Unison?
You said we are one an Union
I was already in your golden cage
Beautiful picturesque yet a cage
Strings and Rhythms a little sad
I pleaded I wanted my Rhythm
I pleaded for new strings to be played
Please let me out
I am all yours I plead
Caged and prisoned
Strength to fight and fly both lost
I take a Journey within
Strings could still play a rhythm
Please forgive me
Did you say it?
May be you said them
And I never heard it..