Far ahead for miles
Lies silence and loneliness
Roads of infinite emptiness
My nascent mind just drives
In that vast no man's land
Taking me away from the grind
Long long road as if I can see the end
Screeech I halt
How can there be a fork?
Didn't I see something endless
Leading to an end?
Fork leads to two paths
The known? or unknown?
I step into known road of past
Knowing very well of future grief
Strangely cruel but known
Dangerous but its mine
I look for myself in those roads
How clearly I can see the truth now
Truth hidden in plain sight
I see my naive self smiling
I know now of all the sorrow
yet I chose to be in these turns
May be I hope a different now
I cant stop but wonder
What if I had taken path unknown
Waves of uncertainty hit my feet
And I falter at that moment
I imagine the path was beautiful
The yellow houses had swings
Fragrance of parijatha in the streets
Little puppies wagging their tails
Children giggled
Men and women greeted
I stood not knowing anyone
Tears in my eyes ..I was a stranger
Known and unknown
Forks on the road, endless road
Everything flashed in front of my eyes
Lost in illusory quandary
Woke up with fragrance of Parijatha!
PS: Parijatha is night flowering Jasmine!