Lone Man on the Seas

He has such beautiful queer eyes
His skin dark and frekled 
He wore a salty coat that smelt of seas
He owned a tiny boat wading vast seas 

He says he knows the soul of the sea
Her soul is wild waspy crazy
Depths none can perceive 
Magnificently infinite stormy soothe

He takes the tiny boat day after day
Storm or calm wild or not
For he knows her soul more than his
Large net to feed a tiny gut? bait he is!

The strong currents probably have a rhythm 
Gorgeous billows surge and fall like a dance 
Days when calm azure seas are at his command
Days when he begs on his knees for her mercy

Gulf of taking the tiny boat day after day
Into the dangers of those calling caverns
For his most alive at the edge 
When he leaves the safe shores!

PC: Internet 



