She turned her back
A long hot shower
Untangling one strand at a time
Lost track of what's ahead
It's all meaningless melees, isn't it?
With aging, scars fade
Mellowing the soul to gentle rhythm
Incompleteness of life
Feels so complete and whole
And she chooses the yellow
The crisp hug holding her stiff
Her favourite drape embracing known
Not in a mood to tie up
her worries in a bun
She let's her hair loose
Wild wavy on their own journey
She heads to the door
Apologies playing in her head
Which will never come by, will they?
Sun streaming by the window
A elysian thought traverses her
She flip flops with a grin
Her soul plays new music
Turning her back to the world
Like the sunflower
She follows the sun!
Reclines with her feet up
To be touched by the gentle
Waves of existence!
Painting my dearest friend Vidya Vivek! It so beautiful and evocative!
Artist Vidya Vivek based in Dublin..