Broken Mug
Broken Mug...spilled and shattered
Life went to a topsy turvy with a call, forbid
What shattered was the life
Sign of brutal strife with life
She sipped the bitter Elixir
Thinking of the broken Mug and spilled Elixir
Can the broken pieces be fixed?
Can we gather whats spilled?
There is no going back
But she kept running back
Only thing to do is march forwards
Thoughts kept pulling her backwards
Mornings looked pointless
Everything around senseless
She struggled, can life be this dramatic
She needed to soothe her inner critique
Her hands trembling to hold the Mug
The fear of losing something you love
She held on tightly not to lose the grip
Holding tightly also meant bleeding herself
She gently took a sip of Coffee
It did calm her nerves
She tied her hair into a bun
Took another wistfully clear
Its never past vs future
Its never you vs them
Its never good vs bad
Its always you vs you
She smiled didn't she know already?
scared to acknowledge the you?
She took a swig of Coffee
The dark.. strong..bitter
Not everyone's treasure