Notes and beats of a song
Voice which you long
Music which takes you to a different realm
Can pull you out of a deepest chasm
The gentle prick of the grass
Lofty cold breeze and its dance
Ticklish rays of Sun
Gwaky play of clouds
Teary fairy welcomes
Waily scary goodbyes
Tight warm bear hugs
Short lived passionate kisses
Juicy slice of Mango
Sigh after a chocolate cake
Sour tamarind rasam
Smile after first cup of coffee
Fragrant plumerias
Buds waiting its turn to bloom
Colourful beaming beauties
Withered flowers taking refuge of the earth
Ferocious chuckle of an old man
Toothles smiles of an infant
shy grinning bride
Drops dollops of laughter everywhere
Passion to live
Ability to thrive
Instinct to fight
And yet stay quiet
Lonely painful longings
Facing Stark realities
Accepting Unfulfilled destinies
Beauty of this moment
Words..Poetry..Music.. Art
Magnum opus of this existence! You...
Cherish cherish cherish them all...